Monday, July 16, 2007

Staying True in the Face of Evil - July 15, 2007

There is evil in this world. It is unavoidable just like death and taxes. Satan uses every trick in the book to distract us from the things of God - he knows he's going down and he wants to take with him as many as he can. "Staying True in the Face of Evil" takes guts and as much as Satan deceives and destroys, believers in Christ stand firm in the knowledge and character of God.

Rules of Engagement - July 8, 2007

There are some old song lyrics that go like this - 'The weapons of our warfare are not of this world, they are mighty through God.' The "Rules of Engagement" are different for followers of Christ. We wait. We pray. We act justly and in ways that let others know that Satan has already been defeated, even though all evidence may be to the contrary.