Monday, March 05, 2007

What On Earth Is Going On, On Earth? - March 4, 2007

"What On Earth is Going On, On Earth?" That is a very good question, considering all that we hear on the news these days. Is it really as bad as it seems? Even if it is, we know this world is not out of God's control. Times like these are not unfamiliar to Him. Do you know where you'll stand when God comes back and redeems all that we have messed up?

The Apocalypse of Jesus - February 25, 2007

WHat things come to mind when you visualize Jesus? Is He wearing a soft white robe and gazing down into the eyes of a child? Or do you see Him more like a fantastic creature from a scene in a feature film? "The Apocalypse of Jesus" is a glimpse into what will be the end times and the physical nature of Christ himself.

Wake Up! - February 18, 2007

Does looking at something from a different angle make it more interesting? Does the alternate view enhance one's appreciation of the object? Taking time to "Wake Up" - take in all the God has for us or perhaps looking at Him and His promises with fresh eyes will be a great thing as we step into a series in Revelation.