Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Blessing Comes First

"Blessing Comes First," the first in a message series entitled, "Extreme Make-Over: Life Edition" focusing on the Sermon on the Mount. This message from Matthew 5:1-12 (The Beatitudes) introduces ideas that will be studied as the series progresses.

Blessed are the Bankrupt

Pastor Gene Curtis begins the series "Extreme Make-Over: Life Edition" with "Blessed are the Bankrupt."

Blessed are the Beat Up

The third entry, "Blessed are the Beat Up," in a message series on the Sermon on the Mount entitled "Extreme Make-Over: Life Edition."


"Indispensable," the fourth message in the the Sermon on the Mount series entitled "Extreme Make-Over: Life Edition."

Out with the Old?

Pastor Gene Curtis encourages us to remember and value events of our past in this message entitled "Out with the Old?". It is a terrific addition to the Sermon on the Mount message series.